Friday, October 22, 2010

Fall Pictures

This past week, our class went on a Nature Walk. We looked for squirrels, nuts, leaves, twigs, birds, snails and pinecones. We never saw a snail but we found the other things.
After our walk, we took some group pictures. They turned out so good! I think the group one with the school sign would be great for advertising.
Happy Fall!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

At home projects, day 3

Jake brought the book Bone Soup to share. Can you believe that noone wanted to add the eyeballs to our lunch today???
Sydney brought the book, The Christmas Angel, to share with us. We loved feeling of the angel!

Cameron brought the book The World of Cars. He shared the story Ciao, America. It was about Liugi.

Anna shared the book: Biscuit's New Trick. The real bone was a hit!

Sophia brought the book Penny to share with us. She showed us her saddle, bridle and blanket. And, we learned how to saddle a horse.

Rowan brought the book Ox-Cart Man. We learned all about life BEFORE electricity, cars, grocery stores, etc.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

At home projects, day 2

Mills brought the book, Alaska's Three Pigs to share. (yes, that is a frozen grizzly bear in that tub!)
Harrison brought the book, I Am Spiderman, to share with us. Bet you didn't recognize him!

Matthew brought the book, Johnny Tractor and the Big Surprise, to share with us.

Ella T brought the book, Franklin Wants a Pet, to share with us. She even brought her fish Goldie to visit and goldfish crackers for us to snack on.
Ella J brought the book, The Very Fairy Princess, to share with us. She dressed like a fairy and brought cookies with sprinkles to share.
Another day, more great projects! Thank you for sharing your books with us! We enjoyed your projects! Tomorrow, we will finish with the projects. Can't wait to see what the others bring.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

At home projects

Hallie did her project on: Fancy Nancy Explorer Extraordinaire. Love the artwork!
Grant did his project on: Snappy Little Snowtime. The bone was a hit-they wanted to play Doggie, Doggie, where's your bone?

Lindsey did her book project on: Pinkalicious. She wore a crown, had her stethoscope and brought pink cupcakes to share. So glad we didn't turn PINK!
Great job!!!! All of you did an awesome job!
We can't wait to see what the others bring to share with us!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy Birthday, Jake!

We celebrated Jake's birthday during group time last week.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Happy Columbus Day

On Monday, we learned about Christopher Columbus. We made a hat with the 3 ships he sailed with: the Nina, the Pinta and Santa Maria.

Picnic at the park

The Walnut Ridge park was very fun! Thank you parents for helping us with our trip-we couldn't have done it without you!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The corn maze
Barn games
Hay maze
The pumpkins we picked!
Trying to decide on which ones to pick.
The group!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Taylor's Greenhouse Field Trip

Here is the first of many field trip posts:
Touring the tropical greenhouse:

Rainbow Fish

Ms. Gibson, who is a Byrd House teacher, is a student at ASU and for one of her classes, she needed to read and do an activity to a kindegarten class. So, she came to our group and read Rainbow Fish. Then, we made rainbow fishes. Thank you, Ms. Gibson, we enjoyed the book and activity!

Harrison's Birthday

We celebrated Harrison's birthday with his parents and then we played our new favorite game: birthday bingo!