Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Apple Tasting

 We cut up red, yellow and green apples.
 Then we tasted them.

And, last we voted on our favorite one.....
The results? Look in our room at Open House and you will see which color was the most popular!

Sink or Float Science Experiment

We made a guess on whether the items would sink or float: soap, crayon, paper clip, button, straw, sponge, cork and penny.
 For our experiment, we added water to our bowl.
 Then we added items one at a time to see if they would sink or float in the water.
 We actually guessed all but 2 right!

Happy Birthday Cole

Happy 6th Birthday Cole!!!

Fruit Loop Graph

 Yummy!!! We used fruit loops on our graphs. We were each given a cup full of fruit loops. (& we got to eat the broken ones first!) Then, we laid them on our graph to see which color had the most, least, etc
Then, we got to eat them all!

Busy Workers!

Playground Fun

Playground time is the best time of the day!!!

Welcome Class of 2013

First Day of School! August 21, 2012